Contribution of Civil Society in Climate Change Adaptation in Nairobi City County, Kenya


  • Crispus Michira Nyaundi 1 Post Graduate: School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Kenyatta University
  • Paul Thomas Obade Lecturer, School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Kenyatta University



The impacts of climate change, the brunt of which is experienced in the Global South, have occasioned the development of adaptation plans, policies, and strategies by developing countries, with the aim of reducing vulnerability and risks. By and large, however, these adaptation plans and strategies have not yielded the expected results, as evidenced by the increasing manifestations of climate change, including declining agricultural production, food insecurities, and floods, among others. Against this backdrop, this study sought to explore the avenues for enhancing the contribution of civil society organizations in adapting to climate change in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study adopted the descriptive survey design, targeting all 267 civil society organizations pertinent to adapting to climate change in Kenya. A total of 160 top administrative personnel were randomly sampled from among the civil society organizations. Primary data was gathered for the study using a standardized questionnaire. In data analysis, descriptive analysis and a Chi-square test were performed. The results established that mobilization, knowledge sharing, and policy support have a significant effect on the contribution of CSOs in adapting to climate change in Nairobi City County. It was also found that institutional coordination was also found to have a significant intervening role in the association between the avenues for enhancing the contribution of CSOs in adapting to climate change in Nairobi City County, Kenya. It is thus recommended that administrators of CSOs involved in adapting to climate change in Nairobi City County, invest in mobilization, knowledge sharing, policy support, and institutional coordination.


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How to Cite

Contribution of Civil Society in Climate Change Adaptation in Nairobi City County, Kenya. (2023). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 2(10`), 393-400.