Possibility of Fish Cultivation Based on Study of Water Quality around Dutungan Island, Barru Regency, Indonesia


  • Andi Puspa Sari Idris Department of Budidaya Perikanan of Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkep, Indonesia
  • Sri Wahidah Department of Budidaya Perikanan of Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkep, Indonesia
  • Irfani Baga Department of Budidaya Perikanan of Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkep, Indonesia
  • Patang Department of Budidaya Perikanan of Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkep, Indonesia




Possibility, Water quality, Cultivation, Dutungan, Barru


The study aims to determine the possibility of fish cultivation based on aspects of water quality around Dutungan Island, Barru Regency, Indonesia. There are 4 study locations, namely Location 1 is located around Dutungan Island, Location 2 is located in the fish hatchery industry and Location 3 is located around residential areas of Mallusetasi Beach, Barru Regency. Water quality parameters measured include current, brightness, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and salinity. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis. Based on the results of water quality analysis, it shows that the waters of Dutungan Island, Barru Regency still qualify the requirements for the development of fish and seaweed cultivation. The highest speed of water currents is obtained at location 1, which is an average of 0.52 m/s, the highest average water brightness was obtained at location 2 of 3.43 m, the highest average water temperature was obtained at location 1 of 28.97oC, the highest average water pH was obtained at location 1 of 8.03., the highest average dissolved oxygen water was obtained at location 3 of 5.25 ppm, and the highest average water salinity was obtained at location 2 of 33.5 ppt. However, the most suitable location for fish and seaweed cultivation of all locations is location 1, namely the location around Dutungan Island.


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How to Cite

Possibility of Fish Cultivation Based on Study of Water Quality around Dutungan Island, Barru Regency, Indonesia. (2023). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 2(10`), 407-417. https://doi.org/10.55677/ijlsar/V02I10Y2023-10

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