The Difference of Antioxidants Activity between Methanol Extract and Ethanol Extract of Bay Leaves (Syzygium polyanthum (Wigh) Walp) USED DPPH Method (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil)



  • Agus Suprijono College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmasi Foundation Semarang
  • Anang Budi Utomo College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmasi Foundation Semarang
  • Ariani Hesti W College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmasi Foundation Semarang



Antioxidants, DPPH, bay leaves, EC50


Antioxidant are compounds that can inhibit oxidant by reacting with reactive of free radicals to form non reactive free radicals that was relatively stable. One of the natural antioxidants derived from plants is salam leaf. Salam leaf (Syzygium polyanthum (Wigh) Walp) has the chemical content of polyphenol compounds such as flavonoids and tannin its efficacious is as antioxidants. The aims of this research is to determine whether there is a reaction on antioxidant activity of ethanol extract and methanol extract of salam leaves, as well as to know whether there is a difference of antioxidants activity between the ethanol extract and methanol extract. The extraction of salam leaves is done by maceration method using liquid extraction 70% ethanol and methanol. The ethanol extract and methanol extract of salam leaves is made by the concentration 0,06%; 0,08%; 0,10%; 0,12%; 0,16% and its antioxidants power is being tested with DPPH. The antioxidants activity is determined by DPPH method with spectrofotometry UV-Vis till gets value EC50. This value EC50 is reached through the linear regression equation which states the relationship between the concentration of test solution (x) with the antioxidant activity (y) of a series of replicate measurements. The quantitative test results show that the average value EC50 for the ethanol extract of salam leaves is 14,2168 µg/ml and methanol extract of salam leaves is 12,4338 µg/ml. From the test results of “t” test in EC50 shows significant value 0,188 > 0,05 difference between ethanol extract (α value) which means that there is no significant difference between ethanol extract and methanol extract of salam leaves.


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How to Cite

The Difference of Antioxidants Activity between Methanol Extract and Ethanol Extract of Bay Leaves (Syzygium polyanthum (Wigh) Walp) USED DPPH Method (1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil): -. (2024). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(2), 84-87.

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