Residual Effect of Organic Waste Mulching and Intercropping Aerobic Rice with Peanut on Yield Performance of Mungbean Direct-seeded Following Rice on Raised-beds in Lombok, Indonesia


  • Wayan Wangiyana Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram
  • M. Fahrurrozi Khair Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram
  • I Ketut Ngawit Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram



Aerobic irrigation; intercropping; mungbean; raised-beds; red rice; peanut


In Indonesia, in the paddy fields, mungbean is generally planted in the dry season as a rotation crop for rice when irrigation water is insufficient for growing rice, so the productivity of mungbean is generally very low. This research aims to determine the impact of cultivation techniques of aerobic-irrigated red rice grown on permanent raised-beds applied with various organic wastes on growth and yield of mungbean direct-seeded following harvest of red rice. The experiment carried out in June-August 2020, was arranged according to Split Plot design, with two treatment factors: techniques of cultivating aerobic-irrigated red rice, as main plots (T1: monocrop; T2: intercropping with peanuts), and application of various organic wastes to the red rice, as subplots (L0: no waste, L1: rice husks, L2: rice husk ash , L3: rice husk ash + cattle manure). The results indicated that techniques of red rice cultivation and application of various wastes to the red rice showed significant interaction effect on pod number and dry filled-pod weight of mungbean direct-seeded following the red rice, in which dry filled-pod weight was highest (14.44 g/clump) in mungbean direct seeded following aerobic-irrigated red rice intercropped with peanuts receiving rice husk ash (T2L2), and lowest (6.74 g/clump) in mungbean direct-seeded following monocropped red rice without organic wastes (T1L0). Both intercropping with peanuts and application of organic wastes to the red rice preceding mungbean, in general, resulted in higher grain yields of mungbean direct-seeded without tillage following harvest of the aerobic-irrigated red rice grown on raised-beds.


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How to Cite

Residual Effect of Organic Waste Mulching and Intercropping Aerobic Rice with Peanut on Yield Performance of Mungbean Direct-seeded Following Rice on Raised-beds in Lombok, Indonesia. (2024). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(06), 439-444.

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