Current Status and the Role of Biofilm Biofertilizer for Improving the Soil Health and Agronomic Efficiency of Maize on Marginal Soil
Biofilm biofertilizers, soil health, maize, marginal soils, sustainable agriculture.Abstract
The use of biofilm biofertilizers is emerging as a promising strategy to improve soil health and agronomic efficiency, especially for maize production on marginal soils. This review focuses on the current status and critical role of biofilm biofertilizers in improving soil properties and maize productivity. This study used Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses using Scopus and ScienceDirect databases from 2014-2024. Results showed that current status of biofilm biofertilizer utilization is spread on azolla, rhizobacteria, and endophytic bacteria species. Biofilm biofertilizers are beneficial microbial communities encapsulated in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) that contribute to soil structure stabilization, nutrient solubilization and improved water retention. Application of these biofertilizers has been shown to improve soil fertility by increasing organic matter content, promoting nutrient cycling, and stimulating microbial activity. These improvements result in better root development, higher plant growth rates and increased crop yields. Especially on marginal soils, where nutrient availability and soil structure are often compromised, biofilm biofertilizers offer a sustainable solution to mitigate these limitations. This review synthesizes findings from recent studies and highlights the mechanisms by which biofilm biofertilizers exert their beneficial effects, thereby highlighting their potential in sustainable agricultural practices for maize production on suboptimal soils.
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