Population Density of Brown Planthoppers (Nilaparvata Lugens Stall) and Green Planthoppers (Nephotettix Virescens) in Rice Varieties in Merauke, South Papua Province


  • Jefri Sembiring Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University
  • Johanna A Mendes Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Musamus University




Papua, Paddy, brown planthopper, green planthopper.


The aim of the study was to analyze the density of brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stall) and green leafhopper (Nephotettix virescens) populations on rice plants in Merauke Regency. The research was carried out from June to October 2022 in the Merauke District using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 6 varieties with 3 replications. The varieties used were Nutrizinc, Mamberamo, Inpari 42, Inpara 2, Inpari 32 and Inpari Sidenuk. Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that 18 experimental plots were obtained. Plot area 3x3 m2, using a spacing of 20 x 20 cm. The green leafhoppers were collected in the afternoon using the double sweeping method for each sub-plot, while the brown planthoppers were collected using direct observation to count the BPH population in the plants. Based on the results of research on brown planthopper pest populations on rice plants at the age of 2 weeks and 4 weeks the highest was in the Inpari 32 variety (3.21 individuals) and the lowest was in Inpara 2 (0.9 individuals) then increased again in the generative phase (3.5 individuals). individual). The highest population density of green leafhopper pests at 2 weeks of age was found in Nutrizinc and Inpari Sindenuk varieties (4 individuals), while the lowest at 4 weeks of age were Inpari 32 and Mambramo varieties (3.5 individuals). Meanwhile, in the generative phase, green leafhoppers decreased in all varieties. The highest number of grains per panicle was Inpara 2 (1,650 grains), while the other varieties were almost evenly distributed and the fewest number of grains was Inpari 32 (887 grains). While the highest number of empty grains was in the Inpara 2 variety (47.5 grains) and the least empty was in the Mambramo variety (28.9 grains).


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How to Cite

Population Density of Brown Planthoppers (Nilaparvata Lugens Stall) and Green Planthoppers (Nephotettix Virescens) in Rice Varieties in Merauke, South Papua Province. (2023). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 2(05), 89-94. https://doi.org/10.55677/ijlsar/V02I05Y2023-07

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