Economic Dynamics of Ataulfo Mango in Southern Chiapas, Mexico: A Value Network Analysis
stakeholders, production chains, agricultural inputs, market access, commerce analysis.Abstract
Ataulfo is a mango variety with unique organoleptic characteristics that is highly appreciated by consumers. The production and marketing of this mango variety in the Soconusco and Istmo-Costa regions are vital components of the agricultural economy of southern Chiapas, Mexico. However, little is known about the participating actors and their interactions, and about the problems that affect this socio-environmental system. To analyze the value network of Ataulfo mango in these regions, various actors were presented with a questionnaire containing questions about social, economic, and environmental aspects of the production and marketing of mango. In total, 133 Ataulfo mango producers and 17 stakeholders were interviewed between January 2020 and February 2022. It was found that the economic forces operating in the Ataulfo mango value network of these regions form a complex but functional network of producers, customers, suppliers, complementors, and competitors, whose activities and services are vital to further the improvement of the production, processing, and distribution of mango. According to the interviewees, problems persist in pest and disease control, prune practices, harvest labor supply, infrastructure, finance and insurance, and in the providing of technical advice and support to producers. Holistic and coordinated solutions are suggested to increase the productivity and sustainability of the Ataulfo mango socio-environmental system in southern Chiapas.
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