Strategies to Improve Welfare: Independent Oil Palm Smallholders in Muaro Jambi Regency, Indonesia
Strategy, Wellbeing, Smallholders, Matrix SWOT, Aggressive.Abstract
The present study aim to formulating a model strategy to improve the welfare of independent oil palm smallholders in Muaro Jambi Regency. Research materials was sourced from primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques include observation, in-person interviews, and in-depth interviews. The object of this research is the owner farmers who directly cultivate oil palm commodities and have harvested at the time the research was conducted. The location of the research was carried out in Muaro Jambi Regency. The selection of this location was carried out deliberately (purposive), taking into account that the district is known to have a fairly large production and area of oil palm land compared to other districts. Data analyses was followed in a descriptive method and SWOT analyses. The results showed that the strategic position of oil palm farming in Muaro Jambi Regency is in quadrant I (0.74; 0.52) so that it is included in the aggressive strategy (S-O). The strategy that must be applied to quadrant I is to support aggressive growth policies (growth oriented strategy). Local governments need to consider policies in order to improve the welfare of independent oil palm farmers.
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