Substitution of Fish Meal and Worm Meal African Night Crawler on the Physical Quality of Fish Feed


  • Andi Puspa Sari Idris Aquaculture Department of Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkep



Substitutes, fish meal, African Night Crawler worm meal, physical of feed


 This research aims to determine the effect of substitution of fish meal and African night crawler worm meal on the quality of fish feed, especially physical aspects. The treatment tested was treatment A with a concentration of 55% fish meal, 10% worm meal, 30% corn meal, and 5% tapioca flour. Treatment B with a concentration of 53% fish meal, 12% worm meal, 30% corn meal, and 5% tapioca flour. Treatment C with a concentration of 49% fish meal, 14% worm meal, 30% corn meal, and 5% tapioca flour. Treatment K with a concentration of 65% fish meal, 0% worm meal, 30% corn meal, and 5% tapioca flour. The data collected consists of data on fish attractiveness to feed, feed solubility, feed hardness level and feed color aspects. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of this research show that regarding the attractiveness of the feed to the test animals tested, the feed that received the quickest response from the fish to eat was the feed in treatment K. The solubility of feed in all treatments did not have a significant difference, However, the treatment that dissolved the fastest was treatment B, namely 207 minutes. Based on the level of feed hardness, the lowest level of feed hardness is feed in treatment K, which has a hardness level of 40%. In this research, where the color of the feed made is brown and slightly blackish and is similar in color to commercial feed.



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How to Cite

Substitution of Fish Meal and Worm Meal African Night Crawler on the Physical Quality of Fish Feed. (2024). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(3), 204-210.

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