Nata De Coco Quality Development Model from Different Inoculum Sources


  • Lucia Mandey Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulangi University, Study Program Food Technology
  • Jenny E. A. Kandou Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulangi University, Study Program Food Technology
  • Dantje Tarore Postgraduate Program of Sam Ratulangi University Entomology Study Program of interest, Health Entomology



Nata De Coco, Inoculum Sources


The results of the study "Nata De Coco Quality Development Model from Different Inoculum Sources", aim (1) to utilize wasted coconut water from the coconut industry and home industry, (2) to obtain a Nata de Coco quality development model from different inoculum sources (inoculum from pineapple flesh and inoculum that are already available on the market. The methodology used is quantitative (laboratory experiments) with Complete Randomized Design (RAL). This research includes stages, as follows, namely: Phase I, using coconut water media sources with the maturity level of ripe coconuts, with Treatment A = basic ingredients of fresh Coconut Water (0 storage), B = basic ingredients of Coconut Water with storage for 1 week, C = basic ingredients of coconut water with storage for 2 weeks, and treatment D = basic ingredients of coconut water with storage for

3 weeks. Phase II, fermenting coconut water which becomes a substrate as a fermentation medium using inoculum sources, namely: liquid inoculum sources from natural ingredients of pineapple flesh and liquid inoculum sources available on the market in producing cellulose pellicle.

The results of the study can be concluded as follows: (1) Coconut water waste wasted from the coconut industry and coconut home industry in the North Minahasa Regency area of North Sulawesi from ripe coconuts can be utilized by Acetobacter xylinum bacteria in producing Nata de Coco pellicle, (2) IN treatment (Natural Acetobacter xylinum liquid inoculum from pineapple fruit) provides the best treatment results from several quality parameters of Nata de Coco produced such as: parameters of Layer Thickness, Water Content, Fiber Content, and Color, than IP treatment (liquid inoculum Acetobacter xylinum on the market).


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How to Cite

Nata De Coco Quality Development Model from Different Inoculum Sources. (2024). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(4), 259-266.

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