Common Diseases of Apple Trees


  •   Jo‘rayev Safarboy Shavkat o‘g‘li Master of the Department of Agricultural Phytopathology and Agrobiotechnology Tashkent Uzbekistan


apple, diseases, fruit, control, leaves, fungus


The article provides information about the main diseases of apples and their types. Apple scab is a disease that affects apple trees and is one of the most frequent and dangerous. It normally occurs in early to mid-spring, and it is more common when it rains. Apple scab is entirely resistant to some apple types, including Jonafree, Liberty, Enterprise, Pristine, and Williams Pride. Choose apple cultivars that are resistant to scab, especially if apple scab is a common problem in your area. Avoid the disease-prone varieties Red Delicious, Cortland, McIntosh, and Rome Beauty. Fire blight is a bacterial disease that is difficult to manage in many places in the United States. Water-stained brown blooms and brown foliage are common on trees affected by fire blight.




How to Cite

 Jo‘rayevSafarboyShavkato‘g‘li. (2022). Common Diseases of Apple Trees. International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research, 1(1), 06–07. Retrieved from