Nutritional Content of Brown Rice and White Rice from Organic Rice of Mentik Susu Varieties with Parboiled Method


  • Dwi Eva Nirmagustina Food Technology Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Lampung, Indonesia
  • Sri Handayani Management Agribisnis Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Lampung, Indonesia



Parboiled rice is rice produced from milled dry grain (MDG) that has received cleaning, soaking, steaming, drying, and milling treatments. It is very rare that the parboiling process is done on brown rice or white rice. In this study, the parboiling process was carried out on MDG, brown rice, and white rice from the organic rice of Mentik Susu variety. The study consisted of six treatments, unparboiled brown rice, parboiled brown rice, brown rice from parboiled MDG, white rice, parboiled white rice, and white rice from parboiled MDG. The results showed that the parboiling process had an effect on content of carbohydrates, protein, fat, crude fiber, ash, starch, and amylose but had no effect on the water content. The parboiling process affects brown rice more than white rice. The parboiling process increases carbohydrate and starch content but decreases protein, crude fiber, and ash content of brown rice. The parboiling process increases carbohydrates but reduces crude fiber in brown rice from MDG. The parboiling process reduces protein and ash content of white rice.


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How to Cite

Nutritional Content of Brown Rice and White Rice from Organic Rice of Mentik Susu Varieties with Parboiled Method. (2023). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 2(11), 418-426.