Organoleptic, Moisture and Irritation Tests on Scrubs Based on Coffee Grounds, Aloe Vera, and Liquid Soap Based on Used Cooking Oil, Olive, and Castor


  • Syamsul Bakhri Chemical Engineering of Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesian Muslim of University, Makassar City, Indonesia
  • Gusnawati Chemical Engineering of Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesian Muslim of University, Makassar City, Indonesia
  • Rilda Yasifa Idzinih Chemical Engineering of Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesian Muslim of University, Makassar City, Indonesia
  • Dhea Kirana Faradila Amir Chemical Engineering of Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesian Muslim of University, Makassar City, Indonesia



Coffee Grounds, Aloe Vera, Liquid Soap


Body scrub is a cosmetic product which is the result of technological developments to remove dead skin cells, dirt and open pores so that the skin becomes healthier, brighter and whiter. Making body scrubs can be done using coffee grounds, aloe vera and liquid soap as raw materials. Based on previous research which used coffee grounds and liquid soap based on used cooking oil and olive oil to make a body scrub that has good moisture and anti-irritation on the skin but anti-microbial testing has not been carried out, so the author took the initiative to continue this research with the addition of castor oil in liquid soap and aloe vera in making body scrubs, with the hope that the resulting body scrub formulation will be very good in Organoleptic Tests, pH, Moisture and Anti-irritation on the skin , and Antimicrobial. The composition of the liquid soap used consists of used cooking oil, olive oil and castor oil. The composition of the raw materials for making body scrubs consists of fixed variables and changing variables. The fixed variable consists of 37 g liquid soap and 3 g cornstarch, the changing variable consists of aloe vera and coffee grounds whose formulations are 20 g and 40 g (V1), 30 g and 30 g (V2), and 40 g and 20 g (V3). The three body scrub formulations produced will be analyzed after undergoing organoleptic, pH and humidity testing, while the irritation level test is characterized by itching, redness and swelling. The methods used in making liquid soap and body scrub formulations are experimental. Testing for bacterial inhibition in liquid soap used the in vitro method, and organoleptic, pH, humidity and irritation level testing of the resulting liquid soap and body scrub formulations was carried out through descriptive tests using analytical observational methods. Test results show that a body scrub containing a lot of aloe vera can moisturize the skin and does not irritate the skin, and is suitable for us


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How to Cite

Syamsul Bakhri, Gusnawati, Idzinih, R. Y. ., & Faradila Amir, D. K. . (2024). Organoleptic, Moisture and Irritation Tests on Scrubs Based on Coffee Grounds, Aloe Vera, and Liquid Soap Based on Used Cooking Oil, Olive, and Castor. International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(07), 531–536.