Factors Influencing Biofuel Production in Western Kenya


  • Kiptoo, Daisy De Montfort University, Leicester United Kingdom
  • Waswa, Sharon Department of Environmental Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • Njiru Magdalene Kagendo Department of Environmental Sciences, Kenyatta University, Kenya




Environmental sustainability, Land use change, Renewable energy, Socio-economic sustainability, sugar cane production, food security


Biofuel production is at the forefront of the agenda of many countries across the globe in the quest to lower greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy access. The increase in oil prices and climate change have been the drivers to ensure the adoption of biofuels. With the global consumption of oil projected to increase, biofuel provides a viable option for a clean, affordable, and climate-friendly source of fuel. However, biofuel production is in Kenya faced with various challenges. Therefore, the study sought to assess the factors that influence biofuel production in Western Kenya. The qualitative research design was adopted with both primary and secondary data collected. Data collection was through interviews, focus group discussions, case studies, and a review of secondary data. The results established that there was a link between food security and biofuel production. Factors influencing the production of biofuel in Western Kenya included the lack of a specific national biofuel policy framework that promotes sustainable development and use of biofuels, limited research, insufficient feedstock to increase production, over-reliance on rain-fed agriculture to grow energy crops, inadequate technology and technical expertise and some knowledge among stakeholders regarding the need and importance of biofuel deployment across the country. There is need for alternative sustainable farming methods that can incorporate cane farming and food crop farming to ensure food security, better farming practices to increase the cane yield, and research on consumer attitudes and behaviours towards biofuels to promote the adoption of the technology.


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How to Cite

Factors Influencing Biofuel Production in Western Kenya. (2023). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 2(7), 181-192. https://doi.org/10.55677/ijlsar/V02I07Y2023-05

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