Soil Carbon: Pool, Loss, Emission and Climate Change Sources and Knowledge Level of Some Land Use Systems in Sudan Savanna, Kwara State


  • Folasade Mary OWOADE Department of Crop Production and Soil Science, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
  • Abolakale Olaolu ABOLARIN Kwara State Agricultural Development Project, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ilorin, Nigeria



Soil carbon, Land use systems, Climate change mitigation, carbon emission


This research work was carried out in Sudan savanna of Kwara State to determine the effects of land use types on soil carbon pool, loss, emission and to determine the farmer’s knowledge level and sources of information on climate change. Six villages were selected randomly and in each Local Government Area, three villages were visited and three farms planted each with maize/cassava intercrop, cashew plantation and natural forest were sampled. Soil samples were collected from the farmland randomly at the depth of 0–20cm and analysed for physical and chemical properties in the laboratory. Carbon pool index was higher under cashew plantation. The mass of carbon lost recorded was higher under maize/cassava intercrop and cashew plantation recorded the lowest mass of carbon lost. Equivalent Carbon dioxide emitted recorded was lower under cashew plantation and maize/cassava intercrop recorded higher equivalent of carbon dioxide emitted. Natural forest had the highest organic carbon. Simple random sampling of 126 respondents were interviewed. Results revealed majority (71.4%) are willing to invest in residue retention and 92.9% are willing to engage in climate change mitigation practices free of charge. Maize/cassava intercrop recorded the lowest carbon pool due to burning of plant residues and the use of tillage practices. The highest carbon pool index recorded under cashew plantation was due to leaves litter decomposition. Carbon emitted was generally higher under maize/cassava intercrop as a result of continuous and vigorous cultivation leading to loss of carbon. Some farmers are not fully aware of climate change mitigation practices, therefore, more observation should be given to afforestation scheme to mitigate climate change and government and nongovernmental organization (NGOs) should educate and encourage farmers to practice crop residue retention and also minimize bush burning.


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How to Cite

Soil Carbon: Pool, Loss, Emission and Climate Change Sources and Knowledge Level of Some Land Use Systems in Sudan Savanna, Kwara State. (2024). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(3), 151-162.

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