Study of Constraints in the Management of Dry and Hilly Lands in Flores Bajawa


  • Anastasia H. P. Enga Jln Kapten Piere Tendean-Tanalodu-Bajawa-Flores-East Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia
  • Amario Yohanes Seo Jln Kapten Piere Tendean-Tanalodu-Bajawa-Flores-East Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia



Dry_Land, Hills, Flores, Bajawa


Dry land is a landscape where water is stagnant for a long time or all the time. The use of dry land usually occurs on land, dry land, or uncultivated land. Dry land has the potential to become agricultural land, with 45% of Indonesia's territory consisting of hills and dry land, which are ideal areas for development. However, many obstacles arise in arid, dry regions. In addition to dry land, hills, or areas above ground, they have a positive impact on the agricultural system. Bajawa is a region in the Flores plateau that has a very extensive dryland area. The purpose of writing this article is to facilitate the resolution of problems or obstacles that occur in dryland and hilly areas (upland areas) with a dry climate. The method used in this research is a literature approach. (library research). Data collection in the research was conducted by reviewing and exploring several journals, books, and documents (both printed and electronic) as well as other data sources and information deemed relevant to the research or study. To support sustainable agriculture, dryland management must be sustainable. In land management, there are several issues that often arise. This includes soil fertility decline due to erosion and leaching, very steep topography, water availability, and production issues. Able to identify obstacles and determine solutions. As an alternative, one can use vegetative or mechanical soil management methods, enhance rainwater harvesting, manage water resources comprehensively, and plant drought-resistant crops.


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How to Cite

Study of Constraints in the Management of Dry and Hilly Lands in Flores Bajawa. (2024). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(12), 1000-1003.

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