Effects of Phytochemical Antioxidants and Amino Acid Supplement (X-VIRUS) on the Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, Immune Response, Blood Biochemical Parameters and Antioxidant Capacity of Broilers
Antioxidant; broiler; performance; X-VIRUS; biochemicalAbstract
Background: The poultry industry continues to grow due to the availability, affordability, and nutritional value of eggs and meat. Factors influencing this growth include genetics, feed quality, disease prevention, and the use of antibiotics. However, the search for alternatives to antibiotics has gained momentum due to concerns about antibiotic resistance and consumer demand. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of adding various doses of the commercial compound X-VIRUS solution (containing antioxidants and essential amino acids) to drinking water, with the goal of determining the optimal dose for improving broiler productivity.
Methods: A total of 360 unsexed Ross 308 broilers were assigned to four treatments. Each treatment group was divided into six pens, with 15 chicks per pen. Treatments included: T1) control group (did not receive any additives), T2) 0.5 ml of X-VIRUS per liter of water, T3) 1 ml of X-VIRUS per liter of water, and T4) 1.5 ml of X-VIRUS per liter of water. Performance, carcass traits, biochemical blood variables and antioxidant capacity of broilers were assessed.
Results: Administering X-VIRUS solution at a dose of 1.5 ml/l in broilers' drinking water increased body weight and weight gain compared to the lower doses. Additionally, higher X-VIRUS doses improved feed intake and feed conversion ratios. X-VIRUS solution increased significantly the relative weight of carcass, breast, and thigh in the fifth week. Higher X-VIRUS doses (1 and 1.5ml/l) led to higher antibody titers compared to lower doses. X-VIRUS solution reduced triglyceride, cholesterol, LDL, glucose, ALT and MDA levels and increased HDL, total protein levels and GSH-Px activity, while albumin and globulin levels remained unchanged.
Conclusions: administering a dose of 1.5ml/l of X-virus solution showed the best results in the performance, carcass characteristics, blood parameters and antioxidant capacity of broilers.
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