Melatonin Modulates Immunity in Broilers Exposed to Heat Stress


  • Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory Agriculture College- Al-Qasim Green University- Babylon 51013, Iraq
  • Retaj Aqeel Dawood Aljanabi Department of Biology, College of Science, Al-Mustaqbal Universty, 51001, Babylon, lraq
  • Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi College of Environmental Science- Al-Qasim Green University- Babylon 51013, Iraq



Melatonin, immunity, heat stress, broiler, immunoglobulins.


Previously thought to be a pharmaceutical for regulating sleep and rhythm, Melatonin has demonstrated its potential as a co-adjuvant treatment by modulating mast cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, and T/B cells. Melatonin is immunomodulatory, which means it regulates T-cell differentiation, interrupts T/B cell interaction, and reduces the production of pro-inflammatory factors; it acts as an antioxidant through specific receptors. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of Melatonin in improving broiler immunity using four hundred broiler chicks divided into five treatments. There was a significant increase (p≤0.05) for the T2, T3, T4 and T5 treatments in total protein, albumin, globulin and immunoglobulins compared to the T1 treatment. Significant increase (p≤0.05) for the T3, T4 and, T5 treatments in antibody titer for Newcastle (ND), infection bronchitis (IB), influenza daises (INFLU). Significant improvements (p≤0.05) for the T2 and T4 treatments in the relative weight of Fabricius gland and Fabricius index.


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How to Cite

Melatonin Modulates Immunity in Broilers Exposed to Heat Stress. (2024). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(4), 238-242.

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