Environmental Study and Land Suitability for Livestock Farming in Flores Bajawa
Environmental_Study, Land_Suitability, Livestock_Farming, BajawaAbstract
The livestock sector is classified as a subsector of agriculture that continues to develop in national development, playing a role in improving community welfare. Development in the livestock sector within the cultivation subsystem (on-farm) in Indonesia generally aims to increase livestock production and productivity. Land suitability evaluation requires environmental data and soil quality data for a specific area. The assessment of land suitability for a particular crop cultivation is conducted by identifying land characteristics, including topographic data, climate, soil conditions, and soil quality, as well as several physical environmental properties of the land to be evaluated for its suitability. The Bajawa region is very suitable for livestock farming activities. The purpose of this research is to understand the environmental study and land suitability for livestock farming in Flores Bajawa. The method used in this research is a literature review approach. (library research). The results show that the environment in Flores Bajawa is very suitable for livestock farming with a cool climate, green hills, and an abundance of available livestock feed sources. With the suitability of the farming land, it supports the agricultural efforts undertaken by the community. The suitability of the farming land can also be seen from the relatively high economy of the community in the livestock sector, which includes pigs, cattle, horses, goats, and chickens, with pigs being the dominant livestock in the Flores Bajawa region.
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