Processing Horse and Cow Manure Waste in the Production of Fertilizer and Biogas at Flores Bajawa Agricultural College
Biogas, Cow_Manure, Fertilizer, Horse_Manure, WasteAbstract
Horses and cows have long been domesticated animals in Indonesia, one of which is at the Flores Bajawa Agricultural College. Horse and cow manure, which are solid waste products generated from metabolism, can generally pollute the environment, so they need to be processed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the utilization of horse and cow manure waste in the production of manure fertilizer and biogas. Manure is usually made from liquid or solid livestock waste mixed with food scraps, which will later function as humus. Biogas is a gas produced from organic waste such as animal and human manure stored in an airtight environment. The purpose of this research is to understand the utilization and processing of horse and cow manure waste into fertilizer and biogas. The methods used in this research are observation and experimentation. Fertilizer is made from a mixture of horse and cow manure. Meanwhile, biogas from horse and cow manure is produced with three treatments and various fermentation periods of 7, 14, and 21 days. One way to process horse and cow manure waste is to convert it into organic fertilizer and biogas. The fertilizer and biogas that have been produced are used to enrich agriculture and also as a source of fuel. The longer the fermentation time of the fertilizer and biogas, the better the nutrient content of the fertilizer and the greater the volume of gas produced in the biogas production process.
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