Cultivation and Processing of Cimanggu Cassava Harvest Waste at SMK Negeri I Borong, East Manggarai Regency
Cultivation, Cassava_Cimanggu, Borong, East Manggarai, Harvest_WasteAbstract
Cassava is one of the agricultural crops that has been widely cultivated in the East Nusa Tenggara region. The cimanggu variety is a cassava variety that is quite tolerant to drought and can produce 80 tons/ha. Additionally, the cimanggu variety is one of the most suitable cassavas for mocaf production. The East Manggarai Regency area is one of the fertile regions in NTT suitable for cassava cultivation, especially Cimanggu cassava. This research aims to understand the cultivation techniques of Cimanggu cassava in the Borong area and the role of SMK Negeri I Borong as a region for planting Cimanggu cassava. In addition, to understand the waste processing techniques generated during the harvesting process of Cimanggu cassava. The data collection method used a qualitative approach with data collection through field observation techniques. The research results show that the cultivation of cimanggu cassava plants carried out by students of SMKN 1 Borong includes land preparation (soil loosening), preparation of cimanggu cassava seeds, planting methods, planting distance, fertilization, weeding, and harvesting. The waste from the harvest of cimanggu cassava, in the form of cassava leaves and cassava peels, is processed into fermented livestock feed for animals.
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