Improvement of the Quality of Tofu Pulp and Fermented Coconut Pulp of Baker's Yeast on the Content of Fiber, Fat and BETN
tofu pulp waste, coconut pulp, fermentation, baker's yeastAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the improvement of the quality of tofu pulp and coconut pulp fermented using baker's yeast on the content of fiber, fat and BETN to be used as an ingredient for livestock processing. Tofu pulp waste comes from a tofu factory located in Oesapa Village, Kelapa Lima District, Kupang City. Meanwhile, tofu pulp is the leftover product of processing coconut milk from households and stalls in the Kupang city area and its surroundings. The research method uses direct experimental methods and fermentation time duration through proximate analysis. The results of this study were tested using the t Student test with the treatment of R1 (fermented tofu pulp and coconut pulp waste for 12 hours), R2 (fermented tofu pulp and coconut pulp waste for 24 hours) and R3 (fermented tofu pulp and coconut pulp waste for 48 hours). The variables studied were changes in the nutritional content of crude fat (LK), crude fiber (SK) and fermented non-nitrogen extract (BETN). The results of the study showed that the treatment had an effect on the research variables. The conclusion of this study is that tofu pulp and coconut pulp waste fermented with bread yeast increases the nutrient content, so that it can be used as a source of animal feed.
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