Influence of Neem Leaves Powder in Litter Contamination, and Welfare Indicators of Broiler (Ross 308) Exposed to Heat Stress


  • Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory Agriculture college- Al-Qasim green university- Iraq
  • B. A. M. Lehmood Agriculture college- Al-Qasim green university- Iraq
  • Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi College of Environmental Sciences- Al-Qasim Green University- Iraq
  • Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali Agriculture college- Al-Qasim green university- Iraq



Biosecurity, broiler welfare, HS, therapeutic alternatives.


The increase in the emergence of the resistance of pathogenic bacteria against antibiotics in poultry farms increased the need to find therapeutic alternatives to raise the level of biosecurity, especially the high rate of disease infection during heat stress, which reduces broiler welfare. 320 chicks one-day old were used and were divided into four groups at random, each containing 80 chicks, Each group was made up of four replicates, and each group received a dose of 0, 200, 400, and 600 mg of neem leaf powder/ kg of diet for G1, G2, G3, and G4, respectively. All chicks were, exposed to (HS) (28-35-28 c⸰).  A significant heights (P≤0.05) for G2, G3, and G4 groups in benefits bacteria (Lactobacilli) of litter compared G1 group that increased significantly in E. coli bacteria and total bacteria. A significant heights (P≤0.05) in moisture and pH of litter and, feces weight for the G1 group compared to another group, in broiler welfare significant improvement (P≤0.05) in footpad dermatitis and feather hygiene percentage for G2, G3, and G4 groups compared G1 group. These results conclude that the neem leaf powder added to the broiler feed increased the number of beneficial bacteria and reduced the number of harmful bacteria, as well as improved the physical characteristics of the litter, which achieved positive results in the welfare of broilers raised under conditions of heat stress.


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How to Cite

Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory, B. A. M. Lehmood, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi, & Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali. (2023). Influence of Neem Leaves Powder in Litter Contamination, and Welfare Indicators of Broiler (Ross 308) Exposed to Heat Stress. International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research, 2(12), 497–504.