Analysing the Impact of Broiler Line and Egg Preservation Durations on Immunoglobulin Levels and Some Egg Quality Indicators


  • Ali N. Zaki Department of Animal production - College of Agriculture/University of sumer, Dhi Qar, Iraq
  • Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory Department of animal production, agriculture college- Al-Qasim green university, Iraq
  • Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi Department of Environmental - College of Environmental Sciences Al-Qasim Green University, Iraq



broiler line, egg preservation durations, immunoglobulin, egg quality indicators.


The basis of the poultry industry is the presence of parent flocks, and the lack of this causes the eggs to be transported for long periods and long distances, reducing the quality of hatching eggs and producing poor-quality, low-weight chicks. Therefore, the current study investigates the effect of different storage periods for different types of broiler chickens on the internal immunity of the egg and some qualitative characteristics of stored eggs. Three lines of broiler were used from three hatcheries (Ross 308-1: Ross 308-2: Cobb 508); these lines of eggs were imported from Türkiye and the Netherlands to Iraq, and all eggs were storage for four periods (15, 20, 25 and, 30 days) at seven c. The results showed a significant (P≤0.05) increase for (line- 2) in total IgY at 25 days, and line three increased significantly (P≤0.05) in the HU unit at 25 days too. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference between periods in egg weight loss (Table 2), albumin pH, relative albumin weight, and yolk weight. It is concluded from the study's results that any storage duration may affect the egg's internal immunity and its qualitative characteristics. Thus, it may negatively affect the hatching rate and characteristics of the hatched chicks.


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How to Cite

Zaki, A. N. ., Al-Jebory, H. H. ., & Al-Saeedi, M. K. I. . (2024). Analysing the Impact of Broiler Line and Egg Preservation Durations on Immunoglobulin Levels and Some Egg Quality Indicators. International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research, 3(10), 800–804.