Economic Impact of African Swine Fever (ASF) Disease on Pigs in Ngada Regency East Nusa Tenggara Province


  • Christoffel Madha Ngada Regency Livestock Service, NTT, Indonesia
  • Heru Susetya Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Aris Haryanto Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Ewaldus Wera Ngada Regency Regional Government, NTT, Indonesia



ASF, Pigs, Economic Loss, Head of Family.


African Swine Fever (ASF) attacks pigs with a death rate reaching 100% of the population, cannot be treated, no vaccine has been found since 2020–2023. This research data consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data from interviews with farmers, livestock technical officers in 6 (six) sub-districts, quarantine officers, pig traders, and policy makers in Ngada Regency. Secondary data is ASF pig mortality data (2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023), pig population, number of pig farmers, and population data at the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). Determination of sub-districts is done by ethnicity stratified, villages/sub-districts and livestock farmer respondents (KK) carried out a simple rationing proportionally in 6 (six) sub-districts, 33 villages/sub-districts and 325 respondent families. Data are presented in the form of mean values ​​± standard deviation. Risk factor analysis was carried out bivariately using chi square to determine the association (relationship) between two variables followed by calculation analysis Odds Ratio (OR) to determine the strength of association between two variables. Data analysis used the SPSS version 23. The data obtained in this research is presented using pictures and tables and then described descriptively. The average results obtained by households in the three ethnic groups raising pigs were the highest for the Bajawa ethnic group at 57.2%, followed by the Soa ethnic group at 10.5%, followed by a mixture of Ngada Regency and outside Ngada Regency at 9.5%, a mixture of ethnicities in Ngada Regency as much as 9.2% and the Riung ethnic group as much as 7.1%. The economic loss of ASF disease is IDR 8,691,148,548,700 (Eight Trillion Six Hundred Ninety One Billion One Hundred Forty Eight Million Seven Hundred Rupiah) assuming that 85% of families raise pigs (Leslie et al., 2015).


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How to Cite

Madha, C. ., Susetya, H. ., Haryanto, A. ., & Wera, E. . (2024). Economic Impact of African Swine Fever (ASF) Disease on Pigs in Ngada Regency East Nusa Tenggara Province . International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research, 3(07), 521–525.