The Effect of Adding Two Different Concentrations of Dates Molasses to the Drinking Water on Some Hematological and Biochemical Features in Broiler Chicken


  • Mohanad fadhl hussain al- musoadi Animal Department, Agricultuire college, Kerbala University, Iraq.
  • Mustafa Hadi Hamid Animal Department, Agricultuire college, Kerbala University, Iraq.
  • Ali Hashim Subeh Animal Department, Agricultuire college, Kerbala University, Iraq.



molasses, Broiler, haematological and biochemical. properteis


This study was conducted in the animal field at the college of Agriculture, Karbala University to study the effect of adding date molasses in two different concentrations to the drinking water of broiler  on blood and biochemical qualities , 120 birds were taken from the Rose series and randomly distributed to three groups of equal number, molasses was added to the drinking  water of birds of the second group by 3% and to the drinking water of the third group by 6% while 0% was added to the drinking water of the first group of the control group, The red and leucocytes counts ,the differential count of leucocytes , the packed cells volume and Hemoglobin, as well as the lipid profile (TC ,TG, HDL ,LDL , vLDL), liver function enzymes (ALT,AST) and blood proteins were measured , There was no significant effect of date molasses on the number of Erythrocytes and leucocytes  count  and the differential count of leucocytes  while the percentage of Packed cells volume  and hemoglobin increased significantly p<0.05 in the second and third groups compared with the control group, and And in contrast liver function, lipid profile and blood proteins were not affected significantly by adding molasses to drinking water.


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How to Cite

The Effect of Adding Two Different Concentrations of Dates Molasses to the Drinking Water on Some Hematological and Biochemical Features in Broiler Chicken. (2024). International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research , 3(4), 223-229.

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